Saturday, October 31, 2009

What does it mean when women have sudden hip and rear "expansion" in their mid 30's?

Like all of a sudden one day, boom?
I believe its got something to do with the thyroid
Some call it the old age spread. Your body is just taking on some different changes, now that your becoming older
Normally after delivery women's mid portion increases due to pregnancy and also because they loose interest in keeping a good shape.
I don't know if you've ever been pregnant, but that will expand that area. If not, you have the "middle-age" spread..also, have you taken a pregnancy test? Your body might be trying to tell you something! The spreading could be caused by your body expanding to carry a baby. Try exercise and butt-toning exercise.or, if you've gained weight, go on a sensible diet with exercise. I wish you the best of luck!
means they are getting fat and unatractive.

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