Sunday, October 25, 2009

What do you think this may be (doctors only please)?

I am a sixteen year old female, who is experiencing a mild flow of bloody secretions from my vaginal area. I am a virgin, and am negative of HIV/AIDS as well as other diseases. It has been continuing for almost a month now, and I thought that my menstrual cycle was just being irregular. It is not enough blood to cause me to panic, but I was just wondering if it might be an infection of some kind. Thank you for your thoughts.
I am also NOT a doctor, but my daughter did this when she was about your age. It was a lack of harmones that didn't clear the uterus of all the debris from the last period. My pediatrician decided to wait to see if her body wouldn't'
take care of the problem on it's own rather than sending us to a GYN. Her body did take care of it and and she was fine.
I would suggest you give it some time.
Sorry, I'm not a doctor. Good Luck
It sounds like your hormones might be out of whack
ask your parent/s to take you to see a GYN Md to rule out any problem and to offer advice on remedies
well there a lot of things it could be you should really tell your mom whats going on and have her take you to the dr because it is hard to diagnos someone with out knowing the whole story but you could have endometreosis it causes some menstrual bleeding that would be my first guess but go to the doctor to make sure everything is fine good luck

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