Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What happens when you're under stress?

for long periods of time?
Your body pays, big time! High blood pressure, shingles, ulcers, psoriasis.all caused by stress!
you start yo break out (acne) all over your body.
you cry alot
you want your life to end.
high blood pressure.
you start to over eat or under eat.
if you stressed go see a counselor.
you start drinking.
you'll gray hairs %26 probably get more acne %26 might lose or gain weight.. all i can think of at the moment
You snap.
You freak out, get mad, then relax a little bit, then continue what you are doing I think. At least thats what happens to me.
Stress makes me want to eat...some people lose weight, well I gain it...I also break out, and my head constantly feels like it is going to explode.
your immune system breaks down, you get sick, you get ulcers, your body does not react well to stress
Some women gain weight, others lose weight

some get messed up periods and lots of acne.

Others become sad and stop doing things they love.
you get a really bad headache
Umm you break out and get like really pissy like anything can set you off you can skip periods and umm wat else u dont want to hang out with people if its bad enough like yyou feel depressed
Weight gain
memory loss
General Adaption Syndrome
"This is a model on stress, researched mainly by Hans Selye on rats and other animals. His research involved exposing animals to unpleasant or harmful stimuli such as injections, extreme cold and even vivisection.
He found that all animals showed a very similar series of reactions, broken into three stages. He describes this universal response to the stressors as the General Adaption Syndrome or GAS in 1936.
Stage one: alarm
When the threat or stressor is identified or realised, the body's stress response is a state of alarm. During this stage adrenaline will be produced in order to bring about the fight or flight response. There is also some activation of the HPA axis, producing cortisol.
Stage two: resistance
If the stressor persists, it becomes necessary to attempt some means of coping with the stress. Although the body begins to try to adapt to the strains or demands of the environment, the body cannot keep this up indefinitely, so its resources are gradually depleted.
Stage three: exhaustion
In the final stage in the GAS model, all the body's resources are eventually depleted and the body is unable to maintain normal function. At this point the initial autonomic nervous system symptoms may reappear (sweating, raised heart rate etc.). If stage three is extended, long term damage may result as the capacity of glands, especially the adrenal gland, and the immune system is exhausted and function is impaired resulting in decompensation. The result can manifest itself in obvious illnesses such as ulcers, depression or even cardiovascular problems, along with other mental issues."
More here : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/general_ada...
Not good stuff RELAX, take tommarow off go shopping! Or if you have money problems do something contructive mow the lawn do all the laundry while watching tv.
It will eventually begin to effect your health. You might begin to have panic attacks, heart palpitations and eventually lead to heart problems. Your face will break out and it could lower your immune system.
Hair loss problems,menses inregular,depression,unheathy apprearance etc...
Stress affects everyone differently. Common symptoms of long term stress are significant weight loss or gain, loss of hair, skin problems, lowered immunity defense against disease, anxiety attacks, severe depression, or impulsive action.
Can lead to depression.

Stress can act differently with different people.

Some can deal with stress, and actually conquer it.

Some let stress conquer them.

Some have to quit working because of "stress".

Stress has become a losely defined human hang-up, or excuse for not enjoying one's chosen occupation.

In general, stress is still not fully understood, just a title given to a human condition of being overwhelmed with work.
you snap at people for no reason
you cry
you get depressed
you might look at all of the negative things in your life

.I usually have to have an 'all me day' when I get stressed, and it helps and ya have to just try and walk away from what is stressing ya out ;-)
just relax do some deep breathing and if you are hanging with the wrong people just find friend that don't make you stress.
Everybody is different in how they handle stress and expecially over a period of time.

It can affect you both mentally and physically.

Anthing from feeling like you are losing your mind to tummyaches, pain in stomach, shortness of breath and chest pains, irritable bowel like symptoms, headaches, all over body aches, tried all the time, insomnia, weight gain or weight lose, losing hair, and a laundry list of symptoms.

Your best way to deal with stress is to find a way to relieve it by walking, biofeedback, massage, exercise, talking to someone and getting it our in the open, taking a long shower, crying (This is very good therapy), Yell into a pillow to get out agression, do something good for yourself and take the time for yourself, go out with a friend.
your blood pressure goes up, you start to over eat, in some cases you lose your appetite,you get sick, there are so many things that will happen to someone that is under stress
oh no.. a lot can happen it can even cause u to have some health problems..yes i said health problems.
when ur under a lot of stress for long time, u bcome very emotional(can cry for anything), can get depressed, can have chest pains, muscular pains such as back pain, or in any other area of ur body, and from there can bcome more and more pains acumulating from ur stress. so the best thing not to go there is..RELAX, even if ur going thru a though time try to b calm, ive bn there and had to take thousands of medications for stress bcuz of all the pains i started having in my body, try to control ur anxiety and dont let nothing bother u 2much.
I have been stressed most of my life at least since I was married the first time. I didn't expect to get into a relationship such as I did..So I know first hand about stress.I know its not worth being stressed because; #1--you missout on alot of things, such as fun with your family, friends. #2--you worry for something that you will never find an answer to while you are stessed...#3 you feel that everything else is wrong and you don't have any physical way of changing it because you are so stressed that you cannot think right...See, STRESS MAKES YOU MORE STRESSED. WHERE YOU CANNOT COPE PROPERLY. you sit there and daydream for hours, maybe not doing anything, just sitting there thinking.You have no energy, no compassion, no feelings for anyone but yourself(and sometime if you are really stressed you don't even care about yourself)You lose out on life in general. All your self seteem is taking away from you..You make yourself angry because you know there is something wrong, but don't know how to fix it..You see the DR and many times they give you something that they don't realize themselves if it is going to make you better or worse.what they give you is medication that is to help stress--as they call it anxiety--well in my research all medications are not for everybody as everybody body is different so the worst place to seek help is at your DR... GO TO THE LIBRARY AND ASK FOR SELF MOTOVATION books and SELF HELP---borrow them take them home and read read read study and listen to what they are telling you..This is what I learnt--you are an individual and a very unique person---noone on this earth is the same as you..You are smart, intelligent, have enough common sense
to outsmart stress. Do not worry about things you cannot change---enjoy life volunteering is one of the very best ways to enjoy life and while there you will find that you are so important that everybody needs you.So which is telling you you do not have time to let the stress take over your life..Get out there in the community and keep busy---when at home turn on some good music and dance around while you are doing your chores..everybody has some form of stress in their life--but just don'y let it take control of your life..GOOD LUCK
u start doing some wrong things like drinking alcochol or smoking...etc...
Stress can arise for a variety of reasons. Any change in our lives can be stressful. In dealing with stress, the lifestyle needs a complete overhaul. We should be placed on an optimum diet, and take regular exercise and adequate rest. Check out http://sumiram2006.googlepages.com/stres... for more info.

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